• Welcome

    Community Capacity Building Initiative (CCBI) was launched in 2001 as a Non Governmental Organization to contribute to the mitigation of poverty, health, gender and environment related problems by enhancing the capacity of communities to access and utilize knowledge and resources for the benefit of these communities
  • Our Mission

    Strengthen community programs in health, agriculture and the environment, and thus improve community health and food security for sustained development

  • Our Vision

    Communities living in prosperity in a healthy environment, and under sustained development
  • CCBI

    (CCBI) was launched in 2001 as a Non Governmental Organization to contribute to the mitigation of poverty, health, gender and environment related problems by enhancing the capacity of communities to access and utilize knowledge and resources for the benefit of these communities.
  • Our Vision

    Communities living in prosperity in a healthy environment, and under sustained development
  • Our Mission

    Strengthen community programs in health, agriculture and the environment, and thus improve community health and food security for sustained development
  • CCBI

    (CCBI) was launched in 2001 as a Non Governmental Organization to contribute to the mitigation of poverty, health, gender and environment related problems by enhancing the capacity of communities to access and utilize knowledge and resources for the benefit of these communities.
  • Our Mission

    Strengthen community programs in health, agriculture and the environment, and thus improve community health and food security for sustained development
  • CCBI

    (CCBI) was launched in 2001 as a Non Governmental Organization to contribute to the mitigation of poverty, health, gender and environment related problems by enhancing the capacity of communities to access and utilize knowledge and resources for the benefit of these communities.
  • Our Vision

    Communities living in prosperity in a healthy environment, and under sustained development

From modest beginnings in 2004, the CT-OVC programme in Kenya has rapidly expanded and is now providing the much need support to deprived households caring for orphans in nearly all counties across Kenya. The regular and predictable cash transfers to the families living with OVCs aim both to encourage their fostering and also their human capital development.

CCBI is in collaboration with the Department of Social Development to carry out an impact assessment of the CT-OVC programme to determine and document any changes to the recipient households and the community at large. The research will therefore:

  • Collect baseline data on the benefiary and non-beneficiary households in phase 1. In the subsequent 2 follow-up phases, CCBI will study:

    • Beneficiary and community perceptions of the services which the programme provides
    • The programme’s overall impact on key indicators, such as poverty, health and educational outcomes
    • The effect of the programme’s conditionalities (enforcement of penalties) on key indicators such as health and educational outcomes

Strengthen community programs in health, agriculture and the environment, and thus improve community health and food security for sustained development

Communities living in prosperity in a healthy environment, and under sustained development

A Training Session